- Venerdì 6 dicembre:
- Cascina Cuccagna, Via Privata Cuccagna, 2/4
Marzio Emilio Villa
LUOGO Milano
DURATA30 minuti
Marzio Emilio Villa is a Black-indigenous artist born in Brazil,
lives and works in Milan. His visual research focuses on
social inequalities, investigating discriminatory realities and structures European and international social structures. Through his works, he engages in sociological introspection on themes starting from colonialism, from the reminiscences present in the architectural celebration of the monuments, from urbanism in relation to social inequalities, from ethics in the photographic process, paying attention to the effects of civilization and its structural complexities, with empathy toward collective and individual identities.
Since 2009 he has exhibited in various galleries; Myriam Bouagal Galerie (Paris), Heillandi Gallery (Lugano),
Leica Galerie (Paris). Represented by Noble agency, prof Leica akademie and contributor to the Wall Street Journal newspaper. His works can be found in museums such as the “Lia Museum” (La Spice) and at Mudec (Milan).
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